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Name: Destiney

Birthday: July 18th 

Sign: Cancer 

Where are you from: Born and Raised in Las Vegas :)

FFO Position: Magenta, Trixie, Make up Mistress, Co-Costume Mistress, Actress and Whatever else is needed. 

How long have you performed RHPS: Since August of 2012

Who is your favorite character and why: Magenta. She can't sing (well). Neither can I. 

RHPS Accomplishments: I brought back full floorshow make up to our cast. In January of 2013 I finally got to play Magenta, something I had been waiting for since I first saw RHPS. 

Other Stuff: I believe in bringing my all to every show and if the audience has a fraction of the fun that I have entertaining them then I have succeeded. 

Favorite Food: Just about anything pumpkin. Avocados. Whatever I am in the mood for.

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper, and Arnold Palmer's ​

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