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Name: Jamie

Birthday: November 20

Sign: Scorpio, cusp of Sagittarius

Where are you from: Vegas :p

FFO Position: Fran Fullenwider Trannie :) 

How long have you performed RHPS: Since December 2010

Who is your favorite character and why: Magenta, because she's just the right amount of sexy/raunchy/crazy/awesome. :D

RHPS Accomplishments: I survived my first performance? :D

Other Stuff: I make hats and other stuff. :) no, seriously! I like anime, especially the old school stuff. I'm obsessed with Sailor Moon. ^.^;; I love RHPS- my brothers would have teased me if I didn't know anything about it! I didn't really have a choice in that matter, lol! 

Favorite Food: I have a few... Watermelon, strawberries, and lasagna! 

Favorite Drink: Dr. Pepper, A&W root beer, or throw-back Pepsi. :) ? 

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